Friday, December 9, 2011

Reverb 11, December Ninth

How did you travel in 2011? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?

I traveled on someone else's dime, almost exclusively.  As a result, I didn't get to do much sight-seeing  at any of my destination points - a tour of the city of Dhaka, the Gateway of India, the streets of Kathmandu, a souq (marketplace) in Doha...

So basically, "not much sight-seeing" is still pretty incredible.

I racked up enough frequent-flier miles on United to get Priority status, which is pretty sweet.  That also means sometime next year, I'm taking a free flight somewhere (curse you, use-it-or-lose-it miles).  I just have to be judicious about where I'm going and when, since staying there still requires money.

Plus, who do I go see? My favorite people are flung to the four winds, from Cleveland to Indianapolis to DC to NYC to Boston to Houston to frakking Anchorage.

Next year's plan, so far: back to Qatar.  Kentucky, Dallas, Switzerland, Germany (for two weeks maybe?), and Bangkok ("Oriental city / but the city don't know what the city is getting:" me).  I'm expecting a few additions before the end of the semester, but they'll likely be in Los Angeles.  And who knows about fall semester 2012?  A few schools have definitely requested me back (Kathmandu and Salt Lake City); I hope I get to go, awesome people there.  Other places, I could happily never revisit.

Travel is my life now.  The more I do it, the harder it is to think about how short a time I have to move about like this before grad school pins me down.  I could get my Master's online...


  1. YES you did quote from Chess the musical! Yes.YOU.DID.

  2. Of all the songs whose lyrics I know backwards and forwards, that is my favorite. I quote/reference that particular number on every available opportunity. To wit:

    1) Played on repeat during my one-night layover in Bangkok. Never got old.

    2) On next semester's trip, I have one week that's solid for Bangkok, and two weeks that are tentative. The second of those two weeks is really just one day of work. Well, it's one the evening. That's right - on my schedule is actually One. Night. In Bangkok.

    3) And for some random entertainment trivia, Murray Head's brother is Anthony Stewart "Tony" Head - previously of "That Weird Soapy Folger's Crystals Commercial" fame, more recently, Buffy's Rupert Giles and presently Uther Pendragon on BBC's Merlin.
