Sunday, December 4, 2011

Reverb 11, December Fourth

What healed you this year? Was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? How would you like to be healed in 2012?

Perspective.  This year has brought me perspective on so many things, and with that gift has come a peace of mind I have lacked for most of my life.   I say "gift," but a more accurate description might be "reward" - it took some hard work on myself to find these answers.

It also took swallowing some pride and returning to a therapist.  After Sickle Cell obliterated most of the latter half of 2010, I realized that I needed a new way of coping with my diseases.  I needed a new understanding, because I was using the old one as a blunt instrument of self-torture.  So I found a new therapist, and I unburdened myself.  He picked up all the pieces, and together we puzzled them into a new and enlightening picture of Dash.

It's an ongoing process; I won't claim that I have all the perspective I need to consider myself fully "healed" (a dubious word selection in any case, considering my numerous incurable diseases).  There has been nothing sudden about this.

Now that my self-concept is back on the road towards Whole and Healthy, I would like two things for next year (listening, Santa?): I would like to see continued improvement in my physical and social conditions.  I imagine the former is fairly self-explanatory, although I'll elaborate that I've been having pretty debilitating migraines the last few weeks.  The latter refers to my continued habits of isolation; I need to meet new people, make new friends.  It's something I'm pretty bad at.

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