Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Reverb 11, December 13

What stuck with you? In 2011, what book that you read, film that you saw, song that you heard (or whatever is your preferred sensory experience) really stuck with you? The kind of thing where you keep thinking about it.

Let's see.  I was really excited to see Hanna, which disappointed me (not because it wasn't as good as I expected, but because it was exactly as good - and far too truncated at the end).  Haven't had any live musical experiences this year (except for catching the middle school chamber orchestra's teaser performance at an assembly in Salt Lake last week).  Haven't read anything incredible this year, although everyone in Mumbai recommended Shantaram.  As much as there is TV programming that entertains, I don't know if any of it "really stuck with" me, which leaves....

Arkham City.

Visually stunning, good plot, gameplay that's easy to manage but difficult to master, great DLC.  I do wish I could explore the sandbox as Nightwing or Robin, but I'll take the challenge maps. (And the Batman skins - playing as a Frank Miller Batman just had to happen.) Using Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill for the voice acting was, as with Arkham Asylum, a stroke of genius.  As sequels go, this one upped the ante appropriately; I actually enjoyed it a bit more than the original.

Now that Star Wars: The Old Republic is out (and I've got early game access - the only reason you're getting this post now is because the client is patching), I probably won't get much of a chance to revisit Arkham City - so I'm glad that the experience will stay with me for a while.  Good game, Rocksteady.  Good game.

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