Monday, December 5, 2011

Reverb 11, December Fifth

If a film were made about ONE thing that happened to you in 2011, what would the film be called? Describe the plot/story.

 It would be a short film entitled The Reluctant Wedding Singer.  Follow Dash as he reconnects with friends from college at a Philadelphia wedding.  Experience his inner monologue, as he meets the husbands of those old friends; feel his chagrin as he learns just how much the husbands know about the Crazy Vassar Days.  Note his bemusement at the occasional drunkenness of those old friends and new acquaintances; hear Dash's reflections on his drunken days, and why he's glad to be sober.  Experience his pride as he gives a short recitation during the wedding ceremony, and his oddly abashed reluctance when asked (at the last minute) to serenade the new couple during the reception.  The film ends on his a cappella rendition of John Legend's "Ordinary People."

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