Friday, December 16, 2011

Reverb 11, December Seventeenth

What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it? What do you hope to make in 2012?

I have a fairly impressive vocal range.  It's not what it used to be, but I can still sing soprano if I have to - especially if I don't need it to be too pretty.  Occasionally, I use that range to record some of my favorite pieces from the various choirs I've been in over the course of my life.  I started off with a cappella; lately, I've added piano and laid down some of the gospel music from my church days.  All it takes is some software on my laptop and the USB mic that came with Rock Band.

The songs are nowhere near good enough to play for anyone but myself.  (My mother has them, but I only gave them to her because she wouldn't stop asking.)  This is harder than my usual deal.  Laying down 16 tracks of me singing over me singing, trying to keep in tune the whole's harder than being in the moment and tuning with 15 other people in the same room.

I do this for me; it's my outlet, although I haven't done it in a few months.  There are a handful of songs sitting on my laptop waiting for me to finish them - maybe if I find some time and the inclination over the holidays.

I'm no good at crafts, and I can't draw.  But this is a viable hobby, especially if I can get better at it over time.  Mostly, the thing lacking is patience.  If I didn't settle for less than aces on a single lick, I could turn out product worth playing for someone else.  So there's a goal for 2012.

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