Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Reverb 11, December Twentieth

Happy Launch Day, TOR.

Our most profound joy is often experienced during ordinary moments. What was one of your most joyful ordinary moments this year?

My most joyful ordinary moments happen while sitting around with the Horsemen, like we used to do. Like we always will.  Ian, Dustin, Fred and I have only all been in the same space at the same time once this year, at Fred's wedding - but I've been able to see each of them plenty of times.

Each time brings me a quiet pleasure, no matter what's actually going on in the moment.  These are the men who know who I am, around whom I never have need of pretense or professionalism or decorum of any sort.  (Or, really, maturity.)  Silences are never awkward - well, there are hardly ever silences.

My favorite of these moments from this year was just before Freddy's wedding.  Dustin and Nicole (his fiancee...) stopped by the house late one night that week.  We spoke of things, but the things themselves are immaterial to the peace I felt...right alongside the tear-jerking, uncontrollable gales of laughter that ever accompany us.

We're more spread out now than we have ever been - it's up to me to make sure I find those moments a few times each year.

There are other moments, but I figure you're all tired of hearing me talk about singing.

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