Saturday, December 24, 2011

Reverb 11, December Twenty-Fourth

This month, gifts and gift-giving can seem inescapable. What’s the most memorable gift, tangible or emotional, you received this year?

Our way is to be light during sensitive moments.  To be carefully casual with expressions of our emotion, our loyalty.  It's odd that that's our way, because Dustin and I are not normally restrained in the expression of our emotions - nor are we restrained in any other way, now that I think about it.  Especially when we're together.  But...that's our way with each other.

So the most memorable gift I've been given this year comes as a by-product of a conversation about another friend's wedding.  I was sitting around the couch with D and Nicole, discussing plans for Fred's wedding versus the planning of their own. Dustin tossed out: "For example: you're gonna be the best man at our wedding, and..." It was an aside, secondary to the point he was actually making; I responded in kind, as a matter of course - because that's our way.  We both knew that was a moment.  It may have been pro forma - I was rather hoping to be so named, and maybe a little bit expecting it.  But it was still a moment, a reveal, and both Dustin and I love a good reveal.  This one lacked all ceremony, and yet I can't imagine it coming in any other way.

However casual the moment may have been - or may have appeared to be - it was a big one for me, and the most memorable gift I received this year.  Now I just have to come up with a good toast - I'll probably have a solid rough draft by July...probably.

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