Sunday, December 25, 2011

Reverb 11, December Twenty-Fifth

Merry Happy, everybody.

What surprised you in 2011? Did you do something unexpected? Or perhaps some life event/milestone snuck up on you? How did you handle it? How did it turn out?

My good friend Melissa - one of my favorite people walking the planet - was visiting Los Angeles earlier this year.  I stole her away from her friends for a few hours, and although we didn't do much, we did plenty of talking.  Melissa and I were in a production of West Side Story a dog's age ago, and while I was reminiscing about that, I realized - it's been a decade since I was in a production of any kind.  Oh, I've had scenework in acting class since, but it's not the same.  Even though I know how old I am, and how old I was when I sported a Puerto Rican accent and answered to Bernardo, the realization caught me off guard.

I handled it like I handle all such realizations: I resolved to do something about it, and then I forgot about it as soon as the motivating frustration passed.  Fortunately, the Force gave me another little nudge last week in the form of lunch with my buddy Chris, and this time I actually took the hint.  We'll see how it turns out; you'll be the second to know.

Did I do something unexpected?  Not to me.  I haven't behaved out of character in a manner that surprises me all year.  You could ask the others in my life, although I expect they'd tell you the same.

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