Thursday, December 1, 2011

Reverb 11, December First

Hanoi is 15 hours ahead of home and 12 hours ahead of work; I feel like that's long enough a gap to say that communication across it represents time travel.  Also, my flight home (connecting through Tokyo) lands before it took off.  I say that to say: Greetings, from the future!

I have been assigned, by people whose esteem I value, to a task.  The task is to use a series of prompts to reflect on my year.  Since nobody has ever accused me of reflecting too rarely, or failing to take advantages of opportunities to do so, those esteemed and estimable people didn't exactly have to twist my arm.

Without further ado (which pains me, as I do love ado - whoops, broke my word, that was further ado):

Encapsulate 2011 in one word. Explain why you're using that word.


My employers have shown increased appreciation of me and of my skills; as a result, 2011 has been my busiest year ever, professionally.  I have seen more of the world in these 52 weeks than I ever expected to in my lifetime, including areas of the U.S.A. that are new to me.  I have demonstrated my appreciation of my employers, our clients, and of the job I'm privileged to do by diligently growing as a prevention specialist: I've pursued vital knowledge of self and of the subject material I teach with equal enthusiasm.

Some of the people I love have shown appreciation for each other by getting married (for which appreciation is a weak term, I know, but I'm trying to encompass the whole shot in one word, remember?) - and shown appreciation of me by inviting me, by asking me to stand up for them, by asking me to sing for them.  I have shown reciprocal appreciation by doing all of these things with joy in my heart.  I love weddings, but more than that I love watching people who mean the world to me make lasting promises to people who mean the world to them.  I love getting to know these new additions to the family.  I love sharing in the euphoria weddings can visit upon those willing to embrace the magic to be found there.

Having three weddings in a year has also given me ample opportunity to reflect on how much I appreciate the durability and longevity of the best friendships I have.  I've known the folks who got married for 12, 15 and 16 years respectively.  As I get older, and I realize how rare (but awesome!) it is for me to make such strong connections with new people, I remember to cherish the gifts of loyalty my longtime friends have given me.

And honestly, I just appreciate that 2011 didn't suck out loud, the way 2010 kinda did.  I turned 30 last year; I had rather hoped it would be a year of growth and reflection, a year of fun.  Instead it was a year of severe illness and pain, of long (and only partially successful) recovery.  2011 has brought me exactly what I had hoped for from 2010; I have not forgotten, along the way, to be grateful for that.

I appreciate you, too.


  1. I totally appreciate you reverbing. Dash blogs = happiness.

  2. ^ this.

    Also, I appreciate your reflections from the future.

    AND, I totally wrote ^ that without even intending to re-use your word, so, good job of getting in my head.

  3. Higher praise, one could not ask. From either of you.
