Monday, December 19, 2011

Reverb 11, December Nineteenth

Sift through all the photos of you from the past year. Choose one that best captures you; either who you are, or who you strive to be. Find the shot of you that is worth a thousand words. Share the image, who shot it, where, and what it best reveals about you.


A buddy from college said this was the best impression of Dr. Cornel West he'd ever seen.  I think he's referring to the expression on my face and my posture, rather than any particular physical resemblance (my hair is not nearly crazy enough).  I actually think I look kinda like my dad (whose hair is even less crazy).

This is me, somewhere between who I've been and who I want to be.  The picture was taken at my friend Kelly's wedding in Philly this past May, by another good friend from college. 

I don't particularly like being photographed - I have never found myself very attractive or appealing to look at - so when I pose for pictures, I usually put on a face. Rarely have I just let someone take a picture of me, as I am, in the moment.  This was one of those times. My guard was down - I was too busy enjoying myself and trying not to get too maudlin to put the mask back on when the camera came out.  So I just looked at my friend, and gave him my patented "Really? Seriously?" look.

The sort of bemused humor in my expression is how I try to greet the world these days.  If you know me, you can see me in the look.  If you don't know me, this picture gives a pretty good introduction/clue.

But such things aren't really about what the subject sees in the picture - they're about what the viewer beholds in the subject.  So even if you see something different than I do: I figure this picture gives the best chance of whatever you see still being some part of my personality.


  1. The glasses don't hurt the comparison. Have you consider a thicker/darker frame?

  2. I actually had much thicker frames until recently. I decided to go back to the thinner ones after seeing a picture of me in some from years back and realizing I just like them more.
