Monday, March 28, 2011

My Increasingly Regular Dose of Brevity as Regards Zack Snyder Being a Big Ol' Copycat

If you'd titled the (second in a decade) reboot of the Superman Franchise Man of Steel before The Dark Knight came out, you'd have been a prince among men.


I'd have said Amy Adams could do just about anything, until I heard about her playing Lois Lane.


Thanks for getting my hopes up with all this talk of Viggo as Zod.  Don't forget to let me down, though!


  1. I just discovered that Clark Kent/Superman is being played by Henry Cavill. Who I love. And would eat with a spoon if allowed.

    Um. I may just have to see this one in the theaters. I know it's a copy, but Amy Adams (not Lois Lane, but totally adorable) and Henry Cavill? Drool...

    'kay I'm done now. Sorry.

  2. See, that's the thing - I'm still there. And will only be there all the quicker if the Viggo rumor is true.

    And I checked out Amy Adams doing Amelia Earhart in Night at the Museum 2...for which I should be paid...maybe she's got the stuff for Lois after all.
