Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day Thirteen

A picture of my favorite band or artist:
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Understand that I'm the guy who has had no fewer than three and no more than five "best friends" for the last fifteen years.  Asking me to choose my favorite band or artist, in my head, is asking me to shortchange at least ten others.  So I just went through my 80-gig music collection - in my head, because it's been lost to me for two years - pulled out the artists from whom I have the most albums, and ran a little imaginary contest.  The winner was the band or artist who had, on these albums, the fewest songs I felt like skipping when I listened.

Behold, the winner - because when I listen to Nick Cave albums, I never skip a track.  How could I? They're all so unique - a smorgasbord of tasty genre-defying goodness.

I found him, courtesy of Ian, about a year before I got sober.  When I sat in my room in indescribable pain (I could describe it, but I'll spare your digestive tract), I put on Abbatoir Blues/Lyre of Orpheus and just drifted.  He's not my favorite artist because his music gave me peace when little else did; his music gave me peace because it is sublime.

Favorite tracks: "Get Ready for Love," "Cannibal Hymn," "Messiah Ward," "Nature Boy," "Breathless;" "Into My Arms," "(Are You) The One That I've Been Waiting For," "There is a Kingdom;" "Foi Na Cruz," "Tupelo," "From Her to Eternity" - aw hell, why am I bothering, just go spend a bunch of money or time finding yourself some Nick Cave (if you haven't already) and fall in love.

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